Update on Labor Strike Misinformation
As the ongoing union strike continues, Warrior Met Coal believes that misleading and false statements made by union leaders and members are creating confusion about why the labor stand-off has gone on for so long. Recent strike news coverage continues to perpetuate the erroneous statements made by represented employees and union leadership.
Union leaders and represented employees continue to claim that the Company is refusing to live up to “promises” made to them in 2016; that after the initial contract expired, they would receive an offer similar to the contract in place at other area mines.
When the 2016 collective bargaining agreement was negotiated, no representative of Warrior Met Coal ever indicated to the union in any way that specific terms of any previous contract under which they had worked would be restored in future contracts.
Warrior Met Coal has provided good, steady jobs in a safe environment with fair wages.

Over the past five years, the Company has given salary increases that weren’t even required in the previous contract.

Our long-term goal has been and continues to be protecting jobs and the long-term financial stability of the Company. Since 2016, Warrior Met Coal has tripled its workforce, meaning 60% of the current workforce (many of whom are on strike now) were not even employed by the Company when they claim this “promise” was made.
Union leaders have suggested publicly that the proposed contract will give seniority to replacement workers over striking union members.
This is simply untrue. Warrior Met Coal has never proposed “taking away” seniority of represented employees engaging in lawful strike activity, and the Company is not granting more seniority to employees who choose to continue working at this time.
While represented employees are suggesting the loss of seniority to replacement workers, they are also making contradicting statements that, once the strike is resolved, Warrior Met Coal intends to fire the employees who are currently working.
All future employment decisions following the strike will be made strictly in accordance with state and federal labor law. No replacement worker has been offered permanent employment. The Company has and will continue to hire based on its business needs.
Warrior Met Coal allows an atmosphere of harassment against its employees. Management does nothing to stop supervisors from verbally abusing workers in the mines.
Warrior Met Coal strives to provide a safe and harassment-free work environment for all employees. All employees (regardless of level) are required to comply with the Company’s code of conduct, which is diligently enforced. Any and all claims of harassment on the job are taken seriously and investigated according to Company policy.

Law enforcement is acting as Warrior Met Coal’s personal security force as local and state agencies are escorting workers past the picket line.
Warrior Met Coal appreciates the support from all law enforcement agencies in maintaining public safety. This includes escorting buses at shift change, and regular patrolling of the area. State and local police are on-site to maintain public safety for both our employees and the community.
Represented employees should speak with the union regarding any comments or questions.